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Fact Sheet

Health Status of Older Persons

Based on the Population and Housing Census 2019

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Fact Sheet

Distribution of Older Population

Based on the Population and Housing Census 2019

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Fact Sheet

Age-Sex Structure of the Population

Based on the Population and Housing Census (PHC) 2019

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Fact Sheet

Population Ageing & Projections of Older Population

Based on the Population and Housing Census 2019

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The Population And Housing Census 2019: Population Ageing and Older Persons in Viet Nam

This monograph, “Population ageing and older persons in Viet Nam”, was developed using data from the Population and Housing Censuses in 2009 and 2019 and other relevant...

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Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow

The strength of the Viet Nam economy is the high participation rate of women and men in economic activity – Viet Nam is one of the highest female labour force participation r...

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Policy Brief: The Law on Gender Equality

This policy brief discusses the major issues identified in the independent Review of the Law on Gender Equality (GEL), which was undertaken between 2018 and 2020. The review applie...

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Viet Nam Population Projection for the period 2019-2069

The Report presents data on population size based on the results of the 2019 Population and Housing Census and uses this information and assumption on changes in demographic indica...

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Technical Reports and Document

The Population and Housing Census 2019: The Current Status and Determinants of Fertility in Viet Nam

The development of the monograph "The current status and determinants of fertility in Viet Nam" uses the previous and 2019 Population and Housing Censuses data. It provid...

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