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National study on Violence against Women in Viet Nam in 2019

In 2019, Viet Nam conducted its second National Study using the adapted WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women, which was also used in ...

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Technical Reports and Document

The impact of Covid19 on maternal health and family planning in Viet Nam

COVID-19 threatens to become one of the most challenging tests faced by humanity in modern history. COVID-19 has the potential to take lives, overwhelm health systems, and trigger ...

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Report on Vietnamese Youth 2015-2018

The report provides a general overview of the situation of youth and their development between 2015-2018. The report can also be used as a scientific basis for studying and develop...

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Technical Reports and Document

COVID-19 Preparedness and Response: Technical guidance note on Older Persons

This regional technical guidance note was developed for the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and Asia-Pacific Country Offices to provide guidance on older persons, health ...

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Photobook: Stories behind the data

In order to make the collected data from the Census to become talking figures, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Viet Nam has collaborated with the General Statistics O...

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Results of the 2019 Census on Population and Housing in Viet Nam

The 2019 Population and Housing Census collected basic information on the demographics of over 96.2 million people who were primary residents of nearly 26.9 million households in V...

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Technical Reports and Document

Infographics on some key findings of the 2019 Populationa dnd Housing Census

These infographics provide some key indicators from the 2019 Census results.

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Code of conduct: To Prevent Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment, at UNFPA events

UNFPA is committed to enabling events at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. UNFPA events are guided by the highest ethical and profess...

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Technical Reports and Document

Code of conduct: To Prevent Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment, at UNFPA events

UNFPA is committed to enabling events at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. UNFPA events are guided by the highest ethical and profess...

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