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I would like to speak on behalf of my colleagues from UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA to thank you all for contributions to the successful launch today of the United Nations Joint Programme entitled “Working Together for the Inclusive Future”. The objective of this innovative Joint Programme is largely to operationalize the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Viet Nam, and we are very happy that we made it today as the very first critical step.


More than 50 participants from various government agencies, including MOLISA, MOH, MOET, and MOCST, as well as organizations of persons with disabilities across the country joined this morning. It shows a high degree of enthusiasm and expectations, through which we have been encouraged and inspired in our efforts to leave no one behind for our SDGs agenda.


In delivering this Joint Programme, we assure you that persons with disabilities will be at the core, as the driving force for change in Viet Nam. We have already been impressed with their zest and capabilities during the process of conceptualizing the Joint Programme together in 2021, and the very approval of our proposal by NY was the proof that Viet Nam’s people with disabilities are such critical resources to achieve SDGs.


My father comes from the community of people with disabilities. As a baby, he lost almost all his hearing abilities from infections during the Second World War. He was unable to pursue his education beyond mandatory secondary schooling, but he always reads a lot and does self-learning in a public library in the neighbourhood. As such, he is extremely resourceful, a even more than many university graduates, and he has always given me life advice for me to grow as I am right now.


So, I personally and strongly believe in the power of people with disabilities, as a solution for societal change, as a solution for policy agenda, as a solution to lead Viet Nam to achieve SDGs, and as a solution to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities.


The United Nations in Viet Nam will stay closely with people with disabilities over the next two years and beyond, to realizing a Viet Nam which does not Leave any one behind in the sustainable development agenda.


I hereby announce the closing of the launch of our United Nations Joint Programme. And I wish you all the best for the successful implementing of this Joint Programme.