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Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow

Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow
Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow


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Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Viet Nam


Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow

Publication date

14 July 2021

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The Government of Viet Nam has recently approved the Socio-Economic Development Strategy for 2021-2030. As the implementation of the strategy is operationalised, it is an opportune time to highlight the economic impacts of violence against women in Viet Nam. The strength of the Viet Nam economy is the high participation rate of women and men in economic activity – Viet Nam is one of the highest female labour force participation rates (73 per cent)  in the world. This high level of participation by women in economic activity underlies the importance of understanding the economic impact of violence that so many women experience in their families. In response to this central concern, the National Study on Violence Against Women in Viet Nam 2019 specifically included the analysis on economic costs borne by women as a consequence of experiencing Violence Against Women (VAW). It is for the first time that cost questions have been incorporated into the National VAW Survey and thus is an innovation to advance cost research.