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UNFPA stands ready to provide more humanitarian work in Vietnam

UNFPA stands ready to provide more humanitarian work in Vietnam

Press Release

UNFPA stands ready to provide more humanitarian work in Vietnam

calendar_today 14 June 2023

Hoi An side event of the 42nd meeting of ACDM
Hoi An side event of the 42nd meeting of ACDM

Hoi An, 14 June 2023: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority (VDDMA) have confirmed to continue their collaboration and support to strengthen Vietnam’s resilience to natural disasters and climage change as well as to enhance the well-being of the affected population in humanitarian crisis.


The commitment was made at an event held at the Hoi An Memory Theatre on 14 June as part of the ongoing 42ndmeeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management in Danang to discuss on solutions to move "From Response to Anticipatory Action and Resilience: ASEAN's Journey Towards Global Leadership in Disaster Management".



The Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has collaborated with many countries and international organisations to implement projects and programmes on disaster and dyke management. VDDMA has partnered with UNFPA to establish and co-chair the Gender-Based Violence in the Emergencies Sub-Sector of the Humanitarian Country Team frame work.



UNFPA, as a leading UN agency for sexual and reproductive health, is on the ground before, during and after crises to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights and responses to gender-based violence are integrated into emergency responses. 


During the period from 2020 to 2022 alone, UNFPA’s humanitarian support to Vietnam reached USD1.4 million, focusing on providing sexual and reproductive health services, and on preventing and responding to gender-based violence against women and girls. 


Particularly, UNFPA distributed vital medical equipment and supplies to district and commune health facilities in 11 flood-affected provinces, replacing those that were damaged or lost due to the floods. UNFPA also established nearly 400 mobile health service delivery teams to reach out to nearly 76,000 vulnerable people with the majority being women. It also provided 21,000 Dignity Kits and text messages via mobile phones on GBV for nearly 9 million people in the flood-afected provinces in central Vietnam. 


UNFPA Representative for Vietnam, Ms. Naomi Kitahara stressed the significance of UNFPA humanitarian work: “UNFPA will continue to use innovative approaches to ensure rightst-based, gender-sensitive, and people-centred approaches in humanitarian preparedness and response. To contribute to Vietnam’s resilient and long-term development, UNFPA’s support aims to achieve Zero preventable maternal death, Zero unmet need for family planning, and Zero gender-based violence (GBV) and other harmful practices against women and girls.” 



UNFPA will work closely with the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority as well as other ministries and agencies at national and local levels; international partners; civil social organisations and the private sector.



Mr Pham Duc Luan, the Director General of the Vietnam Disater and Dyke Management Authority highlighly valued UNFPA’s significant humanitarian support to the Vietnamese people who were affected by natural disasters such as floods, typhoons and landslides. He confirmed that further cooperation would mitigate negative impacts of natural disasters and climate change and enhance ASEAN’s resilience.



It is critical that all partners work together towards a future where no one is left behind, and every person, regardless of their circumstances, can live a life of dignity, opportunity, and hope. 



For further information, contact: 

Ms Dinh Thu Huong, UNFPA National Communications Consultant, 

email: dhuong@unfpa.org; Mobile: 0913301539