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Technical Reports and Document

UN system Model Code of Conduct

The organizations of the United Nations system are committed to enabling events at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. UN system events...

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Global Programme to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls: Improving the sex ratio at birth in select countries in Asia and the Caucasus

This country profile was developed by the United Nations Population Fund in Viet Nam as part of the UNFPA Global Programme to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls: ...

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Towards a comprehenstive national policy for an ageing in Viet Nam

This policy report published by Viet Nam National Committee on Ageing (VNCA), with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) under the VNM9P03 project, “...

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Global Programme to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls

This factsheet provides key data and information on the Global Programme to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls.  The programme will contribute to addres...

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The imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in Viet Nam: New insights and policy recommendations

The sex ratio at birth (SRB) is defined as the number of male children being born per 100 females. The biologically normal SRB lies between 102 and 106. In Viet Nam, the SRB was st...

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Key findings from the National Internal Migration Survey conducted in 2015

This document consists of five factsheets, provides some key information on internal migration in Viet Nam based on the data analysis from the National Internal Migration Survey co...

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Ending Gender-Based Violence at Home in Viet Nam

This brief proposes measures to strengthen the impact of the Domestic Violence Prevention and Control Law (DVPC Law) in Viet Nam. The findings are based primarily on the joint Mini...

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Study on the quality of Family Planning Services in Viet Nam

Although Viet Nam has made considerable improvements in its family planning service delivery system, there are persistent concerns about the quality of family planning services as ...

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Viet Nam Midwifery Report

This report was developed by Ministry of Health, with technical and financial support from UNFPA. The report reviews the current needs, availability, accessibility, acceptability, ...

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