Request for proposal (RFP) for professional services to implement activities on communication and strengthening supporting services for victims of gender-based violence under the Covid-19 emergency context
(Reference No: RFP#UNFPA/VNM/20/01)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Viet Nam is seeking qualified offers for the above-mentioned consultancy services. Your company/organization is kindly invited to submit your best technical and financial offer for the requested services.
More details can be found in the Solicitation Document published on the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) at
Any questions relating to the bid process and/or to the solicitation document shall be sent to:
Ms. Nguyen Minh Ha
Admin/Finance Associate
UNFPA Viet Nam
Deadline for submissions: 17h00 (Hanoi Time, GMT+7) on Monday 14 September 2020