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2 National consultants to adapt a guideline on gender-based violence case management in humanitarian settings for Viet Nam

2 National consultants to adapt a guideline on gender-based violence case management in humanitarian settings for Viet Nam




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We are looking for  02 National Consultants to adapt a guideline on gender-based violence case management in humanitarian settings for Viet Nam.

  • 1 Lead consultant as Gender-based Violence/gender expert
  • 1 second consultant as Emergency expert

The consultancy will be home-based.

Working duration: from 20 November to 30 December 2023

Some background information:


Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a grave human rights violation that affects women and girls in many countries, including Viet Nam. The 2019 National Study on Violence against Women (VAW) in Viet Nam revealed alarming statistics, indicating that 62.9% of ever-married women aged 15-64 have experienced various forms of physical, sexual, and/or emotional violence in their lifetimes, predominantly perpetrated by their husbands or intimate partners. Emergencies, such as natural disasters, exacerbate this issue by disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups, especially women and children. Particularly, Viet Nam is classified as one of the most disaster-prone countries globally, ranking among the top 12 nations with the highest exposure to natural disasters (NDs) in 2017.


In this regard, a guideline on GBV case management in humanitarian settings for Viet Nam is in essence to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings with a particular focus on the provision of case management services. As such, UNFPA is looking for two national consultants who are experts in humanitarian settings and GBV related case management services to adapt the guideline on GBV case management in the humanitarian nexus for Viet Nam.


Interested consultants are invited to submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their relevant qualifications and experience:

    • Statement of Interests
    • Updated Curriculum Vitae and signed UN Personal History form (P-11)

Please find Terms of Reference attached.


Applications should be sent via email to Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Lien, UNFPA Project Associate at email: nlien@unfpa.org with a subject line: “Lead consultant _GBV Case management in Emergency– {Full Name of Applicant}” or “Second consultant _GBV Case management in Emergency – {Full Name of Applicant}


NOITCE:  There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process. UNFPA and VNCA do not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status.


Deadline for submissions: 

15 November 2023