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Intergrating population into socio-economic planning

Intergrating population into socio-economic planning


Intergrating population into socio-economic planning

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Population and development are closely related. Integrating population variables into development planning will help utilize population strengths to achieve sustainable development. Such development must also respond to population changes to meet the needs of current and future population groups, promote social equity and alleviate poverty through sustainable economic growth in the context of sustainable development. 


Nam became a lower middle-income country in 2010 and has continued to maintain impressive growth rates over the past few years. Therefore Viet Nam is expected to achieve all MDGs by 2015. However there remain significant gaps in the level of MDGs achieved between rural and urban areas, geographical regions and population groups. This requires further efforts to ensure all policy-makers fully understand the importance of integrating population factors in development planning and making it an integral part of policy-making and planning at national and local levels.

This video was produced by UNFPA in Viet Nam in September 2014. Click here to watch this video.


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