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11 July 2017
Press Release

World Population Day 2017: "Family Planning: Empowering people, Developing Nations"

HA NOI, 11 July 2017 – Today, 11 July is World Population Day, with the theme on "Family Planning: Empowering people, Developing Nations. This... Read more

11 July 2017

Speech of Ms. Astrid Bant, UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam, on the 40th Anniversary of Collaboration between UNFPA and Viet Nam

Naturally, over the past 40 years, UNFPA's collaborations have changed and matured over time, according to the stages of development Viet Nam... Read more

6 June 2017
Press Release

UNFPA mourns passing of Executive Director

UNITED NATIONS— With profound sadness, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, announces that its Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin,... Read more

13 December 2016
Press Release

Where Can I Call Home

Ha Noi, 13 December 2016 - An opening reception of the photo voice exhibition "Where Can I Call Home" was held this morning in Ha Noi by... Read more

13 November 2016
Press Release

Launch of the National Action Month on Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls

HA NOI, 13 November 2016 – Violence against women and girls undermines family stability and solidarity, and is one of the gravest violations of human... Read more

13 November 2016

Speech of Ms Astrid Bant, UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam at the Launching Ceremony on the National Action Month on Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls

On behalf of the United Nations in Viet Nam, I very much value and greatly appreciate the partnership and commitment of MOLISA in the coordination... Read more

25 October 2016
Press Release

Ending child marriage: towards a world where girls are free to dream

HA NOI, October 25, 2016 – Child marriage is a human rights violation. Despite laws against it, the practice remains widespread, in part because of... Read more

25 October 2016

Speech of Ms Astrid Bant, UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam at the National Workshop on Child Marriage

The international day of the girl child on 11 October, with the theme of “Girls’ Progress equals Goals’ Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement” was a... Read more

21 October 2016
Press Release

Investing in 10-year-old girls could yield huge demographic dividend, pump billions into national economies

Ha Noi, 21 October 2016 – Forced marriage, child labour, female genital mutilation and other practices undermining girls’ health and rights threaten... Read more

21 October 2016

Speech by Ms. Ritsu Nacken, UNFPA Representative a.i. in Viet Nam at the launch of the State of World Population 2016

Age 10 is an important time in our lives, which we call “early adolescence”. It is a very special period, in which we usually start the transition... Read more
