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The 2009 Population and Housing Census Data Warehouse

Technical Reports and Document

The 2009 Population and Housing Census of Viet Nam was implemented according to Prime Ministerial Decision N0. 94/2008/QD-TTg dated 10 July, 2008. The purpose of the Census is to collect basic data on population and housing for the entire territory of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and those Vietnamese citizens who were given to travel overseas and still within the authorized period. Sample data of the Census were published in December 2009. Completed results of the Census were disseminated in July 2010. In order to systematize and document the 2009 Population and Housing Census’s information and results, a data warehouse of the Census has been built to provide the most advantageous tool of referring to information of this Viet Nam Census.

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The 2019 Population and Housing Census Data dashboard

Technical Reports and Document

The 2019 Population and Housing Census data page provides basic information on Vietnam's population and housing, stratified by geographic region and sex, including the following indicators: size and population structure, marriage, fertility, mortality, migration and urbanization, education, employment, and living conditions of the household. These information are compiled from the results of the 2019 Population and Housing Census at 0:00 on April 1, 2019. In addition to the access to the indicators designed in the form of charts, visual images, the user can download data tables for analysis, research and prediction purposes.

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Monograph on Sex imbalances at birth in Viet Nam: Trends, Variations, and Determinants

Technical Reports and Document

The monograph on “Sex imbalances at birth in Viet Nam: Trends, Variations, and Determinants”, developed using the data from the 2019 and 2009 Population and Housing Censuses and from other sources, was a continuation to previous analyses conducted on sex imbalances at birth in Viet Nam.

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Monograph on Migration and urbanization in Viet Nam: Situation, trend and differences

Technical Reports and Document

The monograph on “Migration and urbanization in Viet Nam: Situation, trend and differences” is built on the extraction of the sample census data of the 2019 Population and Housing Census as well as the previous censuses. The results of the analysis show that the trend of migration in the last five years has decreased compared to three decades ago. However, the analytical results also continue to confirm evidence collected from previous studies that there is a great contribution of migration into urban areas, especially large cities. Based on the analysis of migration trends, basic characteristics of migrants, their economic activities and their living conditions as well as the impact of migration on urbanization, the monograph also provides development policy suggestions that emphasize the need to pay more attention to migration and urbanization to ensure these activities will contribute best to growth and socioeconomic development in Viet Nam.


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Review of ten years of implementing the Law on Gender Equality

Technical Reports and Document

The review report focused on the assessment of the Law’s consistency in relation to international human rights standards and other Vietnamese laws and the effectiveness of the implementation of the Law efforts by duty bearers since it came into effect from 2007 to 2019. It focused on identifying key gaps to inform the revision of the Law and ensure better implementation and provided recommendations for the Law amendment and supplementation.

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National study on Violence against Women in Viet Nam in 2019


In 2019, Viet Nam conducted its second National Study using the adapted WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women, which was also used in the 2010 study. The results allow Viet Nam to understand what has changed and what has not changed, and what needs to be in place for further change and progress.

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The impact of Covid19 on maternal health and family planning in Viet Nam

Technical Reports and Document

COVID-19 threatens to become one of the most challenging tests faced by humanity in modern history. COVID-19 has the potential to take lives, overwhelm health systems, and trigger lasting geopolitical change. The implications of COVID-19 can go far beyond the strain posed on Intensive Care Units and Infectious Disease Control departments.

In countries around Asia and the Pacific, health systems are likely to be challenged to balance the demands of responding directly to COVID-19, while simultaneously engaging in strategic planning and coordinated action to maintain essential health service delivery, mitigating the risk of system collapse. Many countries are currently implementing transmission control measures such as lockdowns, travel bans and social distancing. The consequent disruption of services on already overstretched health systems and the diversion of resources from essential sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services are expected to increase the risk of maternal and child morbidity and mortality, as shown in past humanitarian crises. This technical brief presents estimation of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on maternal health and family planning in Viet Nam.

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Report on Vietnamese Youth 2015-2018


The report provides a general overview of the situation of youth and their development between 2015-2018. The report can also be used as a scientific basis for studying and developing youth development policies.

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COVID-19 Preparedness and Response: Technical guidance note on Older Persons

Technical Reports and Document

This regional technical guidance note was developed for the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and Asia-Pacific Country Offices to provide guidance on older persons, health workers, and caregivers to enable effective support to each member state and to guide engagement with relevant partners in preparing for and responding to the COVID-19 epidemic

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Photobook: Stories behind the data


In order to make the collected data from the Census to become talking figures, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Viet Nam has collaborated with the General Statistics Office (GSO) to organize the photo voice exhibition “Stories behind the data”. This is a three-month journey through eight provinces and cities of Viet Nam, including Ha Giang, Ha Noi, Bac Giang, Quang Tri, Soc Trang, Ninh Thuan, Tien Giang, and Ho Chi Minh City, conducted by two photographers Mr. Nguyen Minh Duc and Mr. Vu Ngoc Dung.

This photo voice exhibition consists of 23 stories on nine topics: Education, Youth and Employment, Fertility, Son Preference, Early Marriage, Migration, Disability, Population Ageing and Housing.

Those 23 sets of photos and stories are thoughtful stories about the lives of people from all regions of the country. This photo voice exhibition on the 2019 Population and Housing Census highlights those inspiring stories, creating a diverse picture about the issues of social concern.

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