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Market outlook for elderly care services in Vietnam


The results of this study are expected to provide a useful reference for state management agencies, service centers, service providers and the elderly, with the aim of facilitating the participation of the business community in developing and improving the quality of services for the elderly in the coming time. With this in mind, the study findings and this report focus on proposing business and service models that help build directions for businesses to leverage this potential and fast-growing market.

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The Population And Housing Census 2019: Population Ageing and Older Persons in Viet Nam


This monograph, “Population ageing and older persons in Viet Nam”, was developed using data from the Population and Housing Censuses in 2009 and 2019 and other relevant sources. It builds on in-depth analyses from previous reports on population ageing in Viet Nam. The analysis finds that population ageing has evolved swiftly in Viet Nam, which in turn requires adaptive policies and programmes. The analysis also identifies different characteristics of groups in old age, and provides a number of policy recommendations to help the country meet the individual needs of older persons in order to take care of them as well as promote their role as a resource for economic growth and development in Viet Nam.

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Policy Brief On Economic Cost of Violence Against Women: Violence is costly today and tomorrow


The strength of the Viet Nam economy is the high participation rate of women and men in economic activity – Viet Nam is one of the highest female labour force participation rates (73 per cent)  in the world. This high level of participation by women in economic activity underlies the importance of understanding the economic impact of violence that so many women experience in their families. In response to this central concern, the National Study on Violence Against Women in Viet Nam 2019 specifically included the analysis on economic costs borne by women as a consequence of experiencing Violence Against Women (VAW).

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Policy Brief: The Law on Gender Equality


This policy brief discusses the major issues identified in the independent Review of the Law on Gender Equality (GEL), which was undertaken between 2018 and 2020. The review applied a human rights-based approach to assess the consistency of the GEL and other national laws with 58 sources of international human rights law, especially the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the GEL. 

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Viet Nam Population Projection for the period 2019-2069


The Report presents data on population size based on the results of the 2019 Population and Housing Census and uses this information and assumption on changes in demographic indicators in the future to project population size at national level and for the 6 socio-economic regions, 63 provinces and centrally-run cities for the period 2020-2069. 

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The Population and Housing Census 2019: The Current Status and Determinants of Fertility in Viet Nam

Technical Reports and Document

The development of the monograph "The current status and determinants of fertility in Viet Nam" uses the previous and 2019 Population and Housing Censuses data. It provides a more in-depth analysis of the current status and changes in Viet Nam’s fertility over the past 30 years, and differences in fertility among regions and population groups. 

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High-Level Inter-Ministerial Dialogue on Scaling up Action to End Son Preference and Gender Biased Sex Selection

Declarations and Statement


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Factsheet on Sex imbalances at birth in Viet Nam: Trends and Variations

Fact Sheet

This factsheet presents key highlights of recent trends in imbalances of sex ratios at birth, based on an analysis of data from the 2019 Population and Housing Census. It presents SRB differentials per geographical location and population group, and includes population forecasts based on different SRB scenarios. And it is concluded with policy recommendations.

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Factsheet on Migration and urbanization in Viet Nam

Fact Sheet

This factsheet provides key findings on internal migration in Viet Nam based on the data analysis from the Population and Housing Census 2019. The factsheet also provides some policy recommendations that aim to take advantage of the benefits of migration for socioeconomic development in Viet Nam, as well as ensuring migrants’ rights to access basic social services in destination areas.

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Factsheet "Current status and determinants of fertility in Viet Nam"

Technical Reports and Document

Fertility is a significant factor affecting population size and structure. It both influences and reflects the country’s socio-economic development. For this reason, fertility-related indicators always attract the attention of policy makers, managers and researchers. This summary provides the main findings of fertility in Viet Nam and proposes recommendations related to the level of fertility based on the data collected from the Population and Housing Census conducted in the years 1989, 1999, 2009 and 2019.

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