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Viet Nam Labour Force and Population Ageing

This info-graphic provides up-to-date data on labour force and population ageing in Viet Nam. It also provides data on population trend by age group and labour fo...

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Sex Ratio at Birth in Viet Nam

The information in this booklet is based on analysis conducted by Dr. Christophe Z. Guilmoto, a demographer with substantive experience in Sex Ratio at Birth imba...

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Some key indicators from the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey

The 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey, is a large sample  survey implemented in the middle of two Population and Housing Censuses. This survey aims to estimate ...

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From domestic violence to gender-based violence - connecting the dots in Viet Nam

This discussion paper was commissioned by the UN in 2013 as a review of issues relating to GBV internationally and in Viet Nam. 

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The 2014 Intercensal on Population and Housing Survey

The 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey - a large sample survey implemented in the middle of two Population and Housing Censuses - aims to estimate population size up ...

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Annual Report

Income security for older persons in Viet Nam: Social Pensions

Viet Nam's record on economic growth and poverty reduction over the last two decades has been remarkable. However, between 2010 and 2012, income increased for most age groups e...

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The Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in Viet Nam: Connecting Research and Policy for Change

The brief emphasizes that son preference and the practice of sex selection in Viet Nam lie behind the skewed sex ratio at birth, and that both are deeply rooted i...

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Conference proceeding on the workshop “Statistical Training in Universities: National and International Experiences and the Way Forward”

 A workshop on “Statistical Training in Universities: national and international experiences and the way forward” was organized in Ha Noi on 13-14 November 2013 by...

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Why do do some women experience more violence by husbands than others

In 2013, the UNFPA, in partnership with GSO and MOLISA, commissioned a secondary analysis of data from the National Study on Domestic Violence, which was conducte...

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